Joseph P. Bottini, February 22, 2017
Editor's Note: Today the battle over just 34 miles of train tracks, between Utica & Lake Placid, continues Judge Requests More Information In Adirondack Scenic Railroad Case Just as Joe has written about the Historic Downtown Utica Hospital Concept vs. The Historic Columbia-LaFayette Nieghborhood, our Oneida County Historian writes again today...
Folks, I realize there are important things like budgets, Nano stuff, infrastructure, jobs, and politics-as-usual, but let us clear the smoke and break the mirrors to get a clear picture of some social/cultural/historical issues. However, the glue of a viable community needs those social/cultural/historical components in order to thrive. Said it before, and I'll say it again; "There is something in the air/water in central New York that precludes sound thinking - history wise." Even good people don't seem to think with any degree of common sense when it comes to history.
We are the gateway to the playground of New York State and they want to disrupt a train transport to that playground from this gateway? Destruction is in the DNA of central New York leaders; be it in Utica (a whole neighborhood with one bridge), Rome (Erie Canal Village), Oneida County (inept historical approach and political infighting among members of the Republican party); all leaving us in limbo chewing on each other's tail.
Oneida County Historian says: "One For All & All For One" missing & "Oneida County History? Furgit Abot It!" #MoVa
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) February 22, 2017
Frustrating to those of us who see things in an idealistic view with no hidden agenda. One for all, and all for one is not in the DNA of Oneida County/Central New York. Soooooooooo, "furgit abot it" and play the role of a Pollyanna character smiling through your tears of what ought to be - and is not.
Email: Joseph P. Bottini, Oneida County Historian
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Editor's Note:In time, you will read this headline,
Until then learn more and share your comments at #NoHospitalDowntown