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Healthcare Association of New York State

We are watching the Healthcare Association of New York State, they're an advocate of MVHS's $300M boondoggle.

August 5, 2017 - A #NoHospitalDowntown member has an observation of MVHS relative to a HANYS report, it goes like this, "Hey mom, I know you already took my allowance away - but I would like it back and this time I want 65% more than what you use to give me." Get the full story here HANYS's State Budget Testimony/Recommendations for 2016-2017?...

It does appear that MVHS Was Slipping Financially and seems to be struggling to borrow their share ($150,000,000) of new hospital funding, and it is confirmed in their C.O.N. application as it calls out a "bridge financing" solution.

May 25, 2017 -

March 6, 2014 - HANYS acknowledges the "Birth of a Health System" in Utica...

January 20, 2011 - Pressure was mounting long ago, was $300M really needed or intended for a "new hospital"?

Politicians have tried very hard to attract "Nano", have they start looking for "easy pickings" by targeting to move around our hospital staffs? Read a NANYS's report, Report Finds Hospitals Are Economic Anchors of New York State

Was this report, or the HANYS association, the genesis using the "anchor institutions" buzzword?

You can help, please join us on Facebook #NoHospitalDowntown. Also consider adding your voice to Hundreds of People Saying, "No Hospital Downtown". Get to know BUD, that's the future of the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood!

No Studies, No Reports, thus we remain #NoHospitalDowntown