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MVHS DEIS: List of Acronyms

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List of Acronyms

AAR - Association of American Railroads
ACM - Asbestos Containing Materials
ALIS - Accident Location Information System
amsl - Above Mean Sea Level
APE - Area of Potential Effect
AST - Aboveground Storage Tank
Aud - Utica Memorial Auditorium

BMPs - Best Management Practices
BOA - Brownfield Opportunity Area

C&D - Construction & Demolition
CBD -CBD Central Business District
CDC - Centers for Disease Control
CEMP - Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
CERCLIS - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CHASP - Construction Health and Safety Plan
CHP - Combined Heat and Power
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CON - Certificate of Need
CRIS - Cultural Resource Information System
CSO - Combined Sewer Overflow
CUP - Central Utility Plant
CWA - Clean Water Act

DASNY - Dormitory Authority State of New York
dB - Decibels (dB)
dBA - A-weighted Decibels
DEIS - Draft Environmental Impact Statement
DEMs - Digital Elevation Models

E&SC - Erosion and Sediment Control
ECL - Environmental Conservation Law
ED - Emergency Department
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EMS - Emergency Medical Service
EO - Executive Order
EOP - Emergency Operations Plan
ESA - Environmental Site Assessment

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
FEIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map
FRA - Federal Railroad Administration
FSLH - Faxton-St. Luke’s Healthcare

GIS - Geographic Information System
gpd - Gallons Per Day
gpm - Gallons Per Minute
GML - General Municipal Law
GRP - Geographic Response Plan

HCM - Highway Capacity Manual
HIC - Hospital Incident Command
HP - Horsepower
HUB - Historically Underutilized Business
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

IHC - Integrated Health Campus
ITE - Institute of Engineers

kV - Kilovolt
kW - Kilowatt

LBP - Lead-Based Paint
LED - Light-Emitting Diode
-LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
-lf Linear Feet
-LNG Liquified Natural Gas
-LOR Letter of Resolution
-LOS Level of Service
-LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas

-mcf Denotes a thousand cubic feet of natural gas
-MOB Medical Office Building
-MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
-MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
-MVHS Mohawk Valley Health System
-MVWA Mohawk Valley Water Authority

-NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
-NEMSPA National Emergency Medical Service Pilots Association
-NFPA National Fire Protection Association
-NHP Natural Heritage Program
-NIAHO National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations
-NIMS National Incident Management Systems
-NOx Nitrogen Oxides
-NPL National Priority List
-NRCS National Resource Conservation Service
-NRT National Response Team
-NSPS New Source Performance Standard
NWI - National Wetland Inventory
NYAC - New York Archaeological Council
NYCRR - New York Code, Rules and Regulations
NYS - New York State
NYSDEC - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
NYSDOH - New York State Department of Health
NYSDOT - New York State Department of Transportation
NYSOMH - New York State Office of Metal Health

OCLDC - Oneida County Local Development Corporation
OCSD - Oneida County Sewer District
OFPC - [NYS] Office of Fire Prevention and Control
OHSWA - Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority
OPRHP - [New York State] Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
OTR - Ozone Transport Region

PBS - Petroleum Bulk Storage
PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PIA - Project Impact Area (also referred to as Area of Potential Effect, APE)
PSA - Primary Service Area
Psi - Pounds per Square Inch
PTE Potential to Emit

RCIL Resource Center for Independent Living
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
REC Recognized Environmental Condition
RMW Regulated Medical Waste
ROW Right-Of-Way

SCPS Sauquoit Creek Pumping Station
SEMC St. Elizabeth Medical Center
SEQRA State Environmental Quality Review Act (the statute)
SEQR State Environmental Quality Review (the process)
sf Square Foot
SHPA State Historic Preservation Act
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (Plan)
SPDES State Pollution Discharge Elimination System
SPTC State Preparedness Training Center
S/NR State and National Register (of Historic Places)
SSA Secondary Service Area
SSO Sanitary Sewer Overflow
SUNY State University of New York
SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

TIS Traffic Impact Study
TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load
tpy Tons Per Year

U.S. United States
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USDOT United States Department of Transportation
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS United States Fish & Wildlife Service
UST Underground Storage Tank

WPCP Water Pollution Control Plant
WQ&PC Water Quality and Pollution Control

Next Section: Executive Summary, or return to MVHS SEQR DEIS Index.

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