April 18, 2018 - Tenney slams eminent domain for hospital In today's Utica Observer-Dispatch...
Read fully story, Tenney slams eminent domain for hospital
Declaring eminent domain—which allows government to forcibly take privately held property from one owner and hand that property over to another private entity—in the proposed Downtown Utica Hospital footprint is an equally egregious taking of Constitutionally protected rights. pic.twitter.com/qBEKmdpJ58
— Congresswoman Tenney (@RepTenney) April 20, 2018
We simply wish to place any new hospital at the approved St. Luke's site, and prevent downtown businesses, streets & alleys from being erased. Yet efforts often get political, so we're consider @RaceforNY22 where @RepTenney faces @ABrindisiNY who seeks to become @BrindisiNY22 pic.twitter.com/7fRa62uYyo
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) April 27, 2018
June 28, 2017 - Healthcare is a hot button, consider At Tenney event, cheers and boos, all at once. In 2018 Anthony Brindisi Will Challenge Claudia Tenney. Tenney is not in favor of the downtown hospital, nor are a number of would be Brindisi supporters. Early odds shown here on the possible match ups One Year Out: The 10 Most Vulnerable House Incumbents in 2018
March 22, 2017 - While we have heard statements that Tenney opposes the Downtown Utica hospital concept, until we have that in writing, here's a Tweet...
Utica, Oneida County, representative
— #NoHospitalDowntown (@NoHospitalDwtn) March 22, 2017
Tenney supports controversial health care amendment https://t.co/NFBbbufAyN #hospital
Downtown Utica is better without an out-of-scale hospital that bulldozes our historic urban core. #NoHospitalDowntown is "yes hospital", we simply want the new hospital at St. Luke's where they own 64-acres, and not in the Columbia Lafayette Neighborhood. Here's Why We Oppose The Downtown Utica Hospital Concept and Many Agree!